Thursday, December 8, 2011

txtRng;) Ring Stylus Nation Wide Press Release goes out

The nation wide press release for the txtRng;) ring stylus went out today.  Look for it on the Associate Press or click here for the full release

txtRng;) Ring Stylus Makes it TV Debut on Charlotte News 14;) makes it TV debut on Charlotte News 14

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Let Me Speak About Patience

Patience. It's not innate, but learned over time and with much effort. Even after 42 years of practicing, it is still a challenge. Yet success in almost everything we do depends on it. As I watch my 2 toddlers try to understand the concept of patience and implement it when they can, I also realize it's a lifelong pursuit; one that's well worth the time, effort and self-discipline.

Consider the end result of this scenario. You are in a hurry to meet friends for dinner. You are running late, and everything is taking extra time. You finally get in the car and are on your way, but the traffic lights aren't in sync and you catch every one red. You are almost to the restaurant and are getting frustrated. You want to blast through the last one, but you don't....because your patient discipline kicks in.... and this time it saves your life. As you watch the 18 wheeled tractor trailer pass right where you would have been you realize the ultimate importance of patience.

Of course not every patient decision is that dramatic, but it exemplifies well how it is a part of our every day life. My current patience test involves my first product.... the txtRng;). It's been over a year and half since I started the process of bringing it to market, and I'm still waiting for my final samples to approve before opening up my website for pre-orders. I've learned something new each step of the way. Most importantly I've learned that when I am patient I make better decisions, save money, and get better results. Let's just hope this time I get my samples and they are perfect......but if not, I'll keep trying, with patience.